
Treasure Finds and Textile Hunts: Danny Permadi and Yang Hartono on Rumpun Maison

Treasure Finds and Textile Hunts: Danny Permadi and Yang Hartono on Rumpun Maison

Rumpun Maison Interview

Our long-time friends Rumpun Maison have dropped yet another quaint collection of vintage homewares, beautifully-draped shirts and suits, as well as handwoven cushions covers -  all carefully made by local craftsmen around Indonesia. To welcome 2021, we had a chat with Danny and Yang on their journey through this newest collection and their aspirations for Rumpun Maison in this new year.

Read on to find out more.   


  1. It’s a time of new beginnings - what is your vision for Rumpun Maison in 2021?

To increase our brand awareness to more customers, it is an essential part of brand building and we know that it is an ongoing process. With a new range of products, we want to break from our usual niche market to new markets.  We are trying to amplify our brand’s strength through collaborations with young artists. Staying true personally, aesthetically focusing and ethically producing through our range of products.


  1. Did you have a muse or any specific theme in mind when curating this collection?

It doesn’t hurt to have some but instead of focusing on any muse/theme, we try to pivot more on freedom of expression. We instill our thought process and soul to each of our product as much as possible. That is how our language and identity are conveyed.

Rumpun Maison Interview


  1. Other than loungewear and cushions, you also introduced quite a few Treasure Finds for this collection. What drew you to pick these specific vintage pieces? 

The beauty in imperfection has always been a fascination to us. Charming things that are aged, perfected over time, enveloped in historical and cultural value. With Treasure Finds we are able to implement those beautiful elements in our living space. 

Rumpun Maison Interview


  1. Did you collaborate with any new local artisan(s) this time around? Did you learn anything new from that experience?

Haphazardly scrolling through Instagram pages, we found a young talented ceramicist based in Bandung called Fefia Suh (for our Abirama Mugs), we feel that her universe aligned with ours, it is a tedious process but we are humbled by the experience. We learnt that we all have our own shortcomings but we can create something beautiful when we joined forces.  For the Island Coasters, we collaborated with weaving artisans from Central Java.

Rumpun Maison Interview


  1. Sourcing vintage vs. manufacturing something new - what do you love about either?

Surprisingly both have a lot of similarity.  We feel the same excitement and satisfaction on learning and discovering something from both vintage and new. The difference is the charming part of the past and energy of the future. When you put both vintage and new together, they create another world regardless of clothing or decoration.


  1. Did you come across any unexpected challenges during production?

The parameter is getting our products made and managing them to be delivered on time. In the end, it takes a team effort to create things and a lot of respect and humility is a requisite. 

Rumpun Maison Interview


Q & A!

  • Favourite pieces from this collection?

Yang: Vintage water decanter from Borneo. I always love tribal feeling in the modern way and that's what I feel from this water decanter. The Abirama mugs are also my favourites. I’m addicted to fragile yet serene elements in ceramic products.

Danny: Our Island Coasters - we wanted to deviate from the habitual shape of a coaster. Staying true to our roots we take inspirations from the islands in Indonesia. A way to for Rumpun to introduce traditional home linens to a modern table accessory. And also, Black Onyx Chemise with Tortoise shell buttons; I love how it falls on the body, new seamless drop shoulder and two front pockets, it is effortless.

Rumpun Maison Interview

Photographs provided by Rumpun Maison and Canaan Studio.


Explore Rumpun Maison’s collection of clothing and homeware here.





Jan 25, 2021

Loving their aesthetics and passion for boost local products, I am so in love with the Borneo decanter

Jan 25, 2021

J’adore ce que vous faites chez cous en travaillant avec les femmes artisans! Bravo ! Keep up the good work !

Jan 25, 2021

Good luck guys! we love you! the coaster island is soooo cuutteee!!


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